Saturday, March 26, 2011

Round and Round

I found the instruction manual for my tail!! It says to make it go around in big, giant circles I should experience pure joy and happiness with a dash of excitement which I did the other day! Mommy was waking me up with kisses and rubs and my tail started going round and round in big circles! I’d never seen it do that before and it was pretty cool! She loves me a lot.
My Mamatu came to see me on Wednesday! Mamatu is what I call Maryanne who is my second mama. Get it? Mama two = Mamatu! She loves me lots and brought me a whole bag of Pupperoni’s!! They made me drool a lot; my juicy lips were like a little waterfall. I love Pupperoni’s! Mamatu was so kind and gentle with me, she knows I am skittish so she gave me very gentle rubs and a bunch of Pupperoni’s!! She took some pictures of me because she thinks I am pretty. Mamatu is such a kind person I warmed up to her pretty quickly and she was able to give me little kisses on the tips of my ears by the time she left. She is coming back to see me soon and I can’t wait.
I am still learning to remember I trust Daddy, he is a boy and boys scare me no matter who they are. He works all day so I don’t get to interact with him much. But, I try to remember who he is and I like him because he loves me very much – he always tells me this. Mommy wishes I could remember for longer times that Daddy is ok and I like him but it is hard to remember. The good things in my life are all new and the bad things in my life happened every day for years so it’s hard to forget them so quickly. It is a process. So we all just keep trying.
Mommy says I need more socialization so this is what we will be working on now. I need to get used to meeting all kinds of people and doggies too. If anyone has any good social things a doggy like me can do please let mommy know. Oh! I almost forgot my first adoption event is coming up next Sunday! Mommy says everyone will love me if I give them a chance to know me. I hope she is right; I would love to have my very own forever family who loves me and takes good care of me. So, if you know of someone who is loving, kind, patient and caring let them know about me. I am available for adoption thru Fugee’s Rescue

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Have Leash Will Walk

Have leash will walk. Here’s the story: mom keeps my leash on the door handle of the back door because I wear it when I go outside. Well, I wanted to go for a walk the other day so I gently took the leash in my mouth and dragged it to the front door because that is the door we use when we go for our walkie-woo’s. Mom is one smart cookie, she got the hint really quick and after picking her jaw up off the floor at my most clever act she got treats and poopy bags together and we went for a walk! It was fun; I peed on a lot of bushes, sign posts and mailboxes!
So, the very next day I wanted to go for another walk and…you guessed it! I gently grabbed the leash and dragged it to the front door and mommy took me for a walk! Wow, her training is really coming along.
Ooooo, Friends! Guess what I did last night! I cuddled with daddy. He sat on my bed in the living room and gave me a few treats, I sat for one of them and then I felt safe enough to lie down! I snuggled right up to him and he pet me gently and said nice things to me so I stayed there. I have never felt comfortable enough to do this with him, heck I’ve just started to cuddle with mommy. I try so hard to remember he is a good guy and that he loves me so much but I still have some bad memories of men from my past but he keeps trying and keeps trying. He is full of love for me and wants only good things for me. I am starting to learn this but it’s hard for me to trust men but I keep trying and keep trying too.
Here’s another story of cuddles: the other night it was just me and mom at home. She sat on my bed and I snuggled right up to her and we were so snuggly and happy. She realized the tv remote was across the room and couldn’t change the channel AND she had to watch two episodes of a show she strongly dislikes. She could have gotten up to get it but she chose me over the stupid show and we stayed snuggly for a really long time. She loves me so much.
I took a nap on the big bed with mommy the other day and I lay right across her legs to keep her safe. She said it was not the most comfortable she had ever been but she didn’t move because it was the first time I had been so close and she didn’t want to scare me. We slept for a long time and I kept her safe – she was thankful.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Am A Reggae Dog

So, Mom has decided I am a Reggae dog and Jimmy Cliff and I have a lot in common. She says when she listens to Jimmy she hears my story thru his words and in his songs. So, if you want to hear some great Reggae listen to Jimmy Cliff’s Ultimate Collection and here my story. Sometimes the parallels to my life in his songs almost makes mommy cry. Who knows I may try my hand at song writing so don’t be surprised if I come out with a song or two.
I have been enjoying the warmer weather outside but I am not allowed to get the zoomies because of my heartworm treatment. When mom sees me getting ready to zoom she has me practice my skills to take my mind off my really fast feet. It’s kind of a bummer because I just learned for the first time in my life what causes the zoomies, its happiness…and I like it!
I am learning a lot of things about me. I am learning about my personality because it has started showing itself. I am a bit of a silly boy! The other day I trotted into the living room with the roll of paper towels held very gently in my mouth and lay down on my bed. Mom and dad thought I was adorable! I also learned I like the taste of the water that’s in the big white bowl in the bathroom! Mom said, “Ewww, icky, icky, icky Laz!” and showed me my regular water bowl – geez, can’t a guy mix it up a little? I have also never licked something off of a finger, apparently it was quite funny watching me learn this tricky little action because mom got the giggles as I tried to lick oatmeal off her finger.
Here is my Daddy update. You know I have had a hard time remembering that men can be loving and good because of my past. Well, the other day I was watching out the front door and saw daddy’s truck pull in the driveway and, Oh Boy! I got so excited and happy he was home! I trotted into the kitchen and stood right by the door to the garage and wagged my tail just waiting for him to open the door and say nice things to me. And when he did, I was so happy but I think he and mom were just as happy as I was. Apparently, it was a really big thing that I got excited about daddy.
So, that’s all for now, I will write again soon.
Paws and Kissies,

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So, I have been a very busy boy the last few days...very busy WINNING! I started my heartworm treatment this week and while that may not seem like winning, I am getting better. The worms are loosing and I, I am winning!
I walked into the vet office like...a winner! My head was held high, my curiosity was going and I made friends with everyone there! Mommy was so proud of me - her little butterfly is coming out of his cocoon. Winning!
I learned two new tricks. I learned "Down" and "Shake". I can lay down now when I am asked and I have just learned to give you my paw when you say shake. I will be polishing these up to add to my repertoire. Winning!
Mommy and I went to the park today. There wasn't anyone else there so we had the place to ourselves. I have never been there before and I had fun sniffing and peeing on everything! I could only do a couple of laps because I used to live on a chain and never got exercise so I have to start out with short walks and build up from there. Winning!
Mommy went to dinner with friends the other night and got to tell them all about how awesome I am. One of her friends wants to come meet me - I cannot wait! Winning!
Mommy says I am a handsome, beautiful, sweet, soulful boy and sometimes when we are having family time in the living room watching tv Daddy says nice things to like: I love him, and He is so beautiful, and It is so nice having a dog in the house. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to have nice things said about me. I am winning and it makes me feel safe and happy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Dogcation!

Hi Friends, I’ve been away for a while on a retreat at Roast Beef’s house. I learned so many new things and had so many new experiences. She has two doggies of her own and I could see them thru the gate from my section of the house. I also met some dogs on walks and got nose to nose with them and I liked them and I met another man besides my foster dad and did ok after he gave me a treat. There was rain one day and it scared me a lot – funny how after everything I have been thru I find the rain so scary.
Miss Debra (as mom insists on calling her) really took a liking to me, you might say she is smitten with me and the feeling is quite mutual, I am so happy she wanted to keep me while my parents were on vacation. When she brought me back to my foster home my dad opened the door and I was happy to see him! My tail wagged at him, then I came inside and saw my mommy – she almost cried she was so happy to see me. I knew she wanted to smother me in kisses but restrained herself so I didn’t get startled. But I had grown so much in my week with Roast Beef, I WANTED to be hugged and kissed so I showed my mommy it was ok to love on me and that I liked it.
We had a most joyous reunion and Roast Beef gave me a very special gift to help me with my upcoming heartworm treatment. Did you know I have worms in my heart that are not supposed to be there? It is weird to have worms in my heart. I don’t really know too much about them. Mom says it’s a good thing I have such a big, courageous heart because no stupid worms are gonna hold me back. I think my mommy is scared for me, she doesn’t say it to me she just says she wishes I didn’t have to go thru the treatment that I have been thru enough hard times. I am thankful to Fugee’s Rescue for collecting donations so I can get my treatment, they have been working hard to get enough money for me, I think that is really nice of them to care about me so much. I have so many people who love me and want to help me. Mom says it takes a village to raise a Lazarus (pun kind of intended).
If you want to check out the nice folks at Fugee’s Rescue who are have made my survival possible go to
See you soon,