Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hi, Everybody! I have some very exciting news to share with you. I know I have been away from my blog for a while and I do apologize. My parents were out of town for 2 weeks and then my mommy was sick for 3 weeks after that so since she has to help me type I was not able to blog.
I went to stay with Roast Beef while my parents were away and I had so much fun. Thank you, Roast Beef (Debra Smith - mommy's words) for taking great, loving care of me. I love you. She has a houseful of lovely ladies whom I like very much. One of the girls is her foster dog Penny Lane. She is a beautiful tan and white girl with an amazing gift. She can jump really high! She would make a great dog for someone who plays Frisbee or who wants to go jogging maybe. She is a very pretty girl and a sweet girl she came over to my side of the yard to visit me which was very thoughtful. Please consider adopting her ( she really deserves a home of her own with her own people to love.
So, after that adventure I came back home and have been helping mommy to feel better by giving her kisses and having her take me out back for some fresh air. One day, I told her I loved her with my eyes. I looked up at her lovingly and opened my eyes wide so she could see my soul inside and she looked back at me lovingly too like she always does and she saw my soul and saw that I was telling her I loved her. She said she loved me to which she always does but this time I really understood what she meant because I meant it too. It was very brave of me to be so vulnerable like that at least that’s what she told me later.
Also, ever since I have come back from Roast Beef’s I have really liked my daddy! I have played with him, we go outside together, I let him pet me and I even give him kisses. Sometimes I lean on him too. He love’s me too, he told me so.
On Tuesday, July 12th, we had a family meeting and it was about me. Daddy said we needed to make a decision about my future. I wasn’t sure what they meant but then he mentioned the word adoption! I am just a dog and don’t know a lot of big words but the word “adoption” is a big buzz word around here. Usually they say that before they put me in my blue flame bowtie and take me to sit at some store where I have to do tricks for strangers. I’m a shy guy and my mom is a shy gal so it is always challenging for both of us but she says she does it for me to try and find me a happy forever home. But this time there was no bowtie. They turned to me and asked if I would like to be a permanent part of the family. I don’t know what that word means but it must be important because it made them hug, pat me on head, give me kisses and made mommy cry.
Mommy called my Fugee’s mama and said she and my daddy would like to adopt me!! They love me so much they just can’t bear to let anyone take me away from them.  
They were so happy and I could tell they were happy about me which made me all warm and fuzzy inside, something was very different and I liked it! Mommy made an adoption announcement for me, she is so proud of me, silly, giddy, proud of me she is and I quite like that a lot. Daddy was emailing and calling family and friends, he too is quite proud of me as well and I quite like that too.
So there you have it, friends, I have been officially adopted! My name is no longer Lazarus J Foster, it is Lazarus J Thomsen, the bouncing baby boy of mommy and daddy and we are all quite silly, giddy about it.
I would be remiss (mommy’s word) if I did not pay much gratitude (mommy’s word too) to those who worked so hard for so long to literally save my life. There’s a reason I am named Lazarus after all. Thank you to my village who tried for years to get me away from my former owner, thank you for loving me, giving me food, treats, affection and most of all HOPE! I owe my life to you and I will live my life to the fullest for you and in your honor!
Thank you to Maryann Kalman, my Mamatu, (mama two – she’s my second mama, yo) Mamatu you worked so hard to spring me from the nasty, scary Wake County shelter where I spent several terrifying months in solitary confinement with very little love and most would say even less hope but, Mamatu, you gave me hope, you kept me alive. You worked hard to find me a rescue who agreed to pull me if a foster could be found. And found they were!
Thank you to my Fugee’s mama, Kim Flowers and my Fugee’s Grandmama who run Fugee’s Rescue. Your promise to the nasty, scary shelter to pull me when a foster could be found kept me alive! They wanted to kill me so many times but you kept me alive by being the rescue who promised to pull me when a foster home was found. And found they were!
You may not know this but my mommy was asked three times to foster this dog name Daddie at Wake County. Mommy and daddy had just lost their dog Patch of 13 years. They were heartbroken, Patch’s spirit still filled their home so much they could not even think of bringing another dog into their home, they were in no shape to competently care for another dog – they were grieving. People kept asking, months went by and finally she said she would meet him, this dog named Daddie ID# 43569.
The rest as they say is history, my history and now I have a big, bright future with my mommy and daddy, forever!
Lazarus J Thomsen

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom to Dream

Today is Independence Day, the day when we celebrate FREEDOM and all it means to us, not only as Americans but also in deeper, more personal ways.
I am thankful for the freedom to pursue my passion of Pit Bulls and the freedom to fight and change the laws that ban these dogs from loving homes they so desperately need.
But today I am focused on the freedoms newly provided to Lazarus our foster dog who is a Pit Bull. Last Independence Day he was outside in the heat with not enough food, unable to reach his water if it was provided and if it was fresh because the heavy chain he had to wear around his neck was likely twisted and wrapped too tightly to allow him access. His owner was abusive and neglectful. His life was horrible. Independence was an ideal he dare not dream, his dreams were of making it through a day without getting beat, without thunderstorms which frighten him, with maybe a brief but friendly sighting of the neighbors who so desperately worked to obtain his freedom from the hell he endured every day.
So today I celebrate Lazarus and his new found freedoms: The freedom from abuse, the freedom from neglect, the freedom from hunger and thirst. The freedom of hard earned courage, the freedom of hard earned trust, the freedom to run freely in the yard, the freedom to have treats and an endless supply of loves, the freedom to lay on the couch, the freedom to have his belly rubbed, the freedom of walks in the park.
These new freedoms were not easy for Lazarus to accept, as he has never known them before. Building trust was hard but the quality he possesses which moves him forward is curiosity. He has a spark of curiosity which shines through in every step he takes in his new world. It has been fascinating to watch him learn so many new things and curiously try new things.
Yet some freedoms are still harder for him to accept than others such as the freedom of looking into our eyes and knowing we are never going to raise a hand to him, raise a voice to him, the freedom to look into our eyes and feel unconditional love and acceptance and peace.  We know we will get there and we are blessed to have the freedoms which afford us the ability to give him all the love and support he needs to fully accept all of his freedoms.
So, here’s to independence and freedom and to unconditional love which overcomes all things. Here’s to Lazarus.