Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom to Dream

Today is Independence Day, the day when we celebrate FREEDOM and all it means to us, not only as Americans but also in deeper, more personal ways.
I am thankful for the freedom to pursue my passion of Pit Bulls and the freedom to fight and change the laws that ban these dogs from loving homes they so desperately need.
But today I am focused on the freedoms newly provided to Lazarus our foster dog who is a Pit Bull. Last Independence Day he was outside in the heat with not enough food, unable to reach his water if it was provided and if it was fresh because the heavy chain he had to wear around his neck was likely twisted and wrapped too tightly to allow him access. His owner was abusive and neglectful. His life was horrible. Independence was an ideal he dare not dream, his dreams were of making it through a day without getting beat, without thunderstorms which frighten him, with maybe a brief but friendly sighting of the neighbors who so desperately worked to obtain his freedom from the hell he endured every day.
So today I celebrate Lazarus and his new found freedoms: The freedom from abuse, the freedom from neglect, the freedom from hunger and thirst. The freedom of hard earned courage, the freedom of hard earned trust, the freedom to run freely in the yard, the freedom to have treats and an endless supply of loves, the freedom to lay on the couch, the freedom to have his belly rubbed, the freedom of walks in the park.
These new freedoms were not easy for Lazarus to accept, as he has never known them before. Building trust was hard but the quality he possesses which moves him forward is curiosity. He has a spark of curiosity which shines through in every step he takes in his new world. It has been fascinating to watch him learn so many new things and curiously try new things.
Yet some freedoms are still harder for him to accept than others such as the freedom of looking into our eyes and knowing we are never going to raise a hand to him, raise a voice to him, the freedom to look into our eyes and feel unconditional love and acceptance and peace.  We know we will get there and we are blessed to have the freedoms which afford us the ability to give him all the love and support he needs to fully accept all of his freedoms.
So, here’s to independence and freedom and to unconditional love which overcomes all things. Here’s to Lazarus.

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