Thursday, May 19, 2011


Oh, boy! I have to tell you becoming “just a regular dog” is pretty satisfying. Mommy says I am “normalizing” I call it just “chillin’”. I have come so far in the 3 months I have been in my brand new world, I can hardly believe all that I have overcome and all I have learned and experienced since being with foster mommy and daddy.
I spend my days lounging on their big bed and many times when they leave the house they leave me out of my crate. Can you believe it! I have been good as gold every single time. Daddy and I have been bonding lots! He can rub my face and I don’t run away, I even hop on the couch next to him occasionally and we sort of play. I am still learning how to play but I try really hard and it’s always fun. Sometimes when we go outside I get the zoomies!! I race around the yard with the silliest look on my face and my feet just a flyin’ out behind me full speed ahead – ZOOOOM!! It is soooo fun!!  
They took me to an “adoption event” this past weekend, I don’t know what that is all I know is they took me to a store with a gazillion different smells and many different doggies. I was confused and didn’t understand what I was supposed to do because we were just standing around. Oh, sure, every now and then a person would come by and I would do tricks, give my googly eyes and get treats but I do that at home.
Most people liked me but there was one mother and daughter who was scared of me. The mother pulled her daughter to the other side of the aisle and whispered things in her ear. The little girl wanted to come see me but the mom kept whispering things to the girl and they just stared at me. Mommy finally asked them if they wanted to pet me and they said no. This hurt my feelings. Mommy told them I was a good boy but they walked away. Daddy said this is how the bad reputation us pit bulls have keeps spreading. We tried to interact with them but they weren’t ready to meet us. But mommy told me that another lady came by who didn’t know a lot about pit bulls and she listened intently to everything Mr. Fugee had to say, he gave her a handout and she was very interested in us. This made mommy happy.
People did take my picture though, they thought I was cute. Store employees even gave me treats from the treat bar they had there, they were very nice to me and gave me cuddles. Then all of a sudden it just clicked! I was supposed to be cute and give googly eyes, that is why I was there! Mommy calls it flirting so I started flirting with folks and I got so much attention, good attention! I haven’t actively been seeking attention because in my former home it was usually better to get no attention than bad attention. I had an “Aha” moment! I also greeted a couple of doggies and I did good. Mommy made me a super awesome bow tie to wear. It was sparkly blue with blue flames on it! It was totally rad, dude. I make blue flames look good!
So, along with going to the park, getting my ears rubbed and lounging on the big bed I also like to flirt! I am the bestest doggy EVER!! Don’t you want me to live with you?? Please consider giving me a forever home. For more info on me ask my foster mommy or check out Fugee’s Rescue at

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