Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hi, Everybody! I have some very exciting news to share with you. I know I have been away from my blog for a while and I do apologize. My parents were out of town for 2 weeks and then my mommy was sick for 3 weeks after that so since she has to help me type I was not able to blog.
I went to stay with Roast Beef while my parents were away and I had so much fun. Thank you, Roast Beef (Debra Smith - mommy's words) for taking great, loving care of me. I love you. She has a houseful of lovely ladies whom I like very much. One of the girls is her foster dog Penny Lane. She is a beautiful tan and white girl with an amazing gift. She can jump really high! She would make a great dog for someone who plays Frisbee or who wants to go jogging maybe. She is a very pretty girl and a sweet girl she came over to my side of the yard to visit me which was very thoughtful. Please consider adopting her ( she really deserves a home of her own with her own people to love.
So, after that adventure I came back home and have been helping mommy to feel better by giving her kisses and having her take me out back for some fresh air. One day, I told her I loved her with my eyes. I looked up at her lovingly and opened my eyes wide so she could see my soul inside and she looked back at me lovingly too like she always does and she saw my soul and saw that I was telling her I loved her. She said she loved me to which she always does but this time I really understood what she meant because I meant it too. It was very brave of me to be so vulnerable like that at least that’s what she told me later.
Also, ever since I have come back from Roast Beef’s I have really liked my daddy! I have played with him, we go outside together, I let him pet me and I even give him kisses. Sometimes I lean on him too. He love’s me too, he told me so.
On Tuesday, July 12th, we had a family meeting and it was about me. Daddy said we needed to make a decision about my future. I wasn’t sure what they meant but then he mentioned the word adoption! I am just a dog and don’t know a lot of big words but the word “adoption” is a big buzz word around here. Usually they say that before they put me in my blue flame bowtie and take me to sit at some store where I have to do tricks for strangers. I’m a shy guy and my mom is a shy gal so it is always challenging for both of us but she says she does it for me to try and find me a happy forever home. But this time there was no bowtie. They turned to me and asked if I would like to be a permanent part of the family. I don’t know what that word means but it must be important because it made them hug, pat me on head, give me kisses and made mommy cry.
Mommy called my Fugee’s mama and said she and my daddy would like to adopt me!! They love me so much they just can’t bear to let anyone take me away from them.  
They were so happy and I could tell they were happy about me which made me all warm and fuzzy inside, something was very different and I liked it! Mommy made an adoption announcement for me, she is so proud of me, silly, giddy, proud of me she is and I quite like that a lot. Daddy was emailing and calling family and friends, he too is quite proud of me as well and I quite like that too.
So there you have it, friends, I have been officially adopted! My name is no longer Lazarus J Foster, it is Lazarus J Thomsen, the bouncing baby boy of mommy and daddy and we are all quite silly, giddy about it.
I would be remiss (mommy’s word) if I did not pay much gratitude (mommy’s word too) to those who worked so hard for so long to literally save my life. There’s a reason I am named Lazarus after all. Thank you to my village who tried for years to get me away from my former owner, thank you for loving me, giving me food, treats, affection and most of all HOPE! I owe my life to you and I will live my life to the fullest for you and in your honor!
Thank you to Maryann Kalman, my Mamatu, (mama two – she’s my second mama, yo) Mamatu you worked so hard to spring me from the nasty, scary Wake County shelter where I spent several terrifying months in solitary confinement with very little love and most would say even less hope but, Mamatu, you gave me hope, you kept me alive. You worked hard to find me a rescue who agreed to pull me if a foster could be found. And found they were!
Thank you to my Fugee’s mama, Kim Flowers and my Fugee’s Grandmama who run Fugee’s Rescue. Your promise to the nasty, scary shelter to pull me when a foster could be found kept me alive! They wanted to kill me so many times but you kept me alive by being the rescue who promised to pull me when a foster home was found. And found they were!
You may not know this but my mommy was asked three times to foster this dog name Daddie at Wake County. Mommy and daddy had just lost their dog Patch of 13 years. They were heartbroken, Patch’s spirit still filled their home so much they could not even think of bringing another dog into their home, they were in no shape to competently care for another dog – they were grieving. People kept asking, months went by and finally she said she would meet him, this dog named Daddie ID# 43569.
The rest as they say is history, my history and now I have a big, bright future with my mommy and daddy, forever!
Lazarus J Thomsen

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom to Dream

Today is Independence Day, the day when we celebrate FREEDOM and all it means to us, not only as Americans but also in deeper, more personal ways.
I am thankful for the freedom to pursue my passion of Pit Bulls and the freedom to fight and change the laws that ban these dogs from loving homes they so desperately need.
But today I am focused on the freedoms newly provided to Lazarus our foster dog who is a Pit Bull. Last Independence Day he was outside in the heat with not enough food, unable to reach his water if it was provided and if it was fresh because the heavy chain he had to wear around his neck was likely twisted and wrapped too tightly to allow him access. His owner was abusive and neglectful. His life was horrible. Independence was an ideal he dare not dream, his dreams were of making it through a day without getting beat, without thunderstorms which frighten him, with maybe a brief but friendly sighting of the neighbors who so desperately worked to obtain his freedom from the hell he endured every day.
So today I celebrate Lazarus and his new found freedoms: The freedom from abuse, the freedom from neglect, the freedom from hunger and thirst. The freedom of hard earned courage, the freedom of hard earned trust, the freedom to run freely in the yard, the freedom to have treats and an endless supply of loves, the freedom to lay on the couch, the freedom to have his belly rubbed, the freedom of walks in the park.
These new freedoms were not easy for Lazarus to accept, as he has never known them before. Building trust was hard but the quality he possesses which moves him forward is curiosity. He has a spark of curiosity which shines through in every step he takes in his new world. It has been fascinating to watch him learn so many new things and curiously try new things.
Yet some freedoms are still harder for him to accept than others such as the freedom of looking into our eyes and knowing we are never going to raise a hand to him, raise a voice to him, the freedom to look into our eyes and feel unconditional love and acceptance and peace.  We know we will get there and we are blessed to have the freedoms which afford us the ability to give him all the love and support he needs to fully accept all of his freedoms.
So, here’s to independence and freedom and to unconditional love which overcomes all things. Here’s to Lazarus.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Oh, boy! I have to tell you becoming “just a regular dog” is pretty satisfying. Mommy says I am “normalizing” I call it just “chillin’”. I have come so far in the 3 months I have been in my brand new world, I can hardly believe all that I have overcome and all I have learned and experienced since being with foster mommy and daddy.
I spend my days lounging on their big bed and many times when they leave the house they leave me out of my crate. Can you believe it! I have been good as gold every single time. Daddy and I have been bonding lots! He can rub my face and I don’t run away, I even hop on the couch next to him occasionally and we sort of play. I am still learning how to play but I try really hard and it’s always fun. Sometimes when we go outside I get the zoomies!! I race around the yard with the silliest look on my face and my feet just a flyin’ out behind me full speed ahead – ZOOOOM!! It is soooo fun!!  
They took me to an “adoption event” this past weekend, I don’t know what that is all I know is they took me to a store with a gazillion different smells and many different doggies. I was confused and didn’t understand what I was supposed to do because we were just standing around. Oh, sure, every now and then a person would come by and I would do tricks, give my googly eyes and get treats but I do that at home.
Most people liked me but there was one mother and daughter who was scared of me. The mother pulled her daughter to the other side of the aisle and whispered things in her ear. The little girl wanted to come see me but the mom kept whispering things to the girl and they just stared at me. Mommy finally asked them if they wanted to pet me and they said no. This hurt my feelings. Mommy told them I was a good boy but they walked away. Daddy said this is how the bad reputation us pit bulls have keeps spreading. We tried to interact with them but they weren’t ready to meet us. But mommy told me that another lady came by who didn’t know a lot about pit bulls and she listened intently to everything Mr. Fugee had to say, he gave her a handout and she was very interested in us. This made mommy happy.
People did take my picture though, they thought I was cute. Store employees even gave me treats from the treat bar they had there, they were very nice to me and gave me cuddles. Then all of a sudden it just clicked! I was supposed to be cute and give googly eyes, that is why I was there! Mommy calls it flirting so I started flirting with folks and I got so much attention, good attention! I haven’t actively been seeking attention because in my former home it was usually better to get no attention than bad attention. I had an “Aha” moment! I also greeted a couple of doggies and I did good. Mommy made me a super awesome bow tie to wear. It was sparkly blue with blue flames on it! It was totally rad, dude. I make blue flames look good!
So, along with going to the park, getting my ears rubbed and lounging on the big bed I also like to flirt! I am the bestest doggy EVER!! Don’t you want me to live with you?? Please consider giving me a forever home. For more info on me ask my foster mommy or check out Fugee’s Rescue at

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Try, Try and Try...You'll Succeed at Last!

Hi, Friends, it’s me Laz and today I have happy news to share. I LIKE my foster daddy!! It has been a long, hard road for me to get to this point but it has finally happened. I have turned the corner from fear to trust!!
Mommy says my life is a play list of Jimmy Cliff songs so for this episode she has been singing: “Try, try and try…you’ll succeed at last” (I don’t know either, google it). My daddy has never been anything but loving, supportive and caring towards me even when I growled at him, skittered away from him, or barked at him. He never gave up on me – he did all kinds of crazy things mommy asked of him to get me to trust him. He hand fed me, took me out to potty, greeted me first thing in the morning, gave me tasty treats when he came at night, practiced my skills with me, was mommy’s shadow when she moved around, let mommy make a big deal over him when he came home at night all so I could see he was a good guy. You see, he loves me and wants me to succeed, wants me to be free from the demons of my past. (my previous owner was not nice to me and I was a little scared of men)
So many days he watched as I cuddled and smooched with mommy, looked at mommy with adoring eyes, wagged my tail wildly at her and jumped with glee when she came home. He often said how much he missed a dog loving him like this and this made mommy so sad, she knew how much love I have to give if only I could find the courage to trust my daddy. Mommy and daddy’s last doggy died in November, he was 13 and had an undetected internal mass that ruptured. His name was Patch and he was the last doggy that loved daddy this way and daddy has missed the love of a dog very much.
But he NEVER gave up on me!! (Try, try and try, you’ll succeed at last) He loved me thru all the issues I had to work out and I am working them out quite nicely! I surprise mom and dad every day with my amazing progress. They are so very proud of me, it’s nice to have someone be proud of me!
So, just last week I started going up to daddy and giving him kisses!! And then one day I started to play with him!! And then one day I walked right passed mommy and went to daddy for affection! That has never happened before – I chose dad over mom! WOW WEE! We go in the yard and play, we play in the house, I go to him for affection, give him kisses, eagerly greet him when he comes home, I follow him around the house, I seek him out.
If you want me to adore you like this I will! Go to for more info on me, Laz! Or ask my foster mommy.
It truly is a brand new world!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

“Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day” Hi friends. My foster mommy has been singing this little song to me a lot lately. It has been kind of rainy here of late and I am a little fearful of rain.
Why, just yesterday I tried to climb into the dryer to hide from the pesky rain drops. Mommy opened the door and inside were t-shirts, underwear and socks – all very cozy to sleep on I think and they smelled so fresh and clean – what pup could resist. So, I put my big head inside, then my front feet and then I put my back foot on the rim to hoist myself inside my cozy little cave where I would curl up nice and tight, safe and sound, snug as bug in a rug, ya know? But, alas, my sweet little cave was not to be. Mommy squealed, “No, What are you doing??” which really echoed inside my sweet little cave so I backed out and gave her my “What?” face.  She gave me her confused face – Ahh, I love to keep mom guessing.
I love to keep her in shape too! Earlier she took me out to potty between the scary rain showers but when I was in the wooded part of the yard trying to take care of business the sky roared really loud and I got scared. I ran to the farthest corner of the yard and curled up in my tiny, little ball of fear as I am wont to do when the rain happens. She dashed to my little corner and tried to convince me to come inside where she said it was much safer. But, I wasn’t budging; the sky was really scary looking so I was going to ride out the storm right there and she was more than welcome to join me. Once again my plan was foiled, drat! She stuck her arms under my belly (into all the leaves and bugs I was laying on) and scooped me up. She held me tight against her and started weaving her way thru the woods.
Now, at this point I became even more worried because I realized as limbs and leaves were slapping me in the face and butt that mom was wearing her big, ugly, heavy, rubber snake boots and she could have easily fallen while toting me along, I am precious cargo, you know! So, we emerged into to the clearing of the yard and she finally put me down (thank goodness) so I could walk the rest of the way into the house. I don’t know what was more scary the rain or having my 60 pound ass hauled thru the woods by someone wearing big, clumsy boots. She was very tired after that though so I did my part to keep her in shape! She will thank me later…I think.
So, I end with my usual “tail”: I am up for adoption! And, yes, all THIS could be yours!! Check out for more info or just ask my foster momma, she can talk about me for days and days and days.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Experiences for Me

Hello Friends! It’s been a little while. Going to work with mommy takes a lot of my blogging time but now she is free to be with me all the time again and I am so happy about that.
I had so much fun working with mommy, I met a lot of people and saw several doggys and helped hand out hundreds of t-shirts! People were so nice to me. I like it when people are nice to me.
Mommy has taken me to the park a few times. We walk laps and I pee on bushes. Today I met a nice lady who gave me pets and compliments, the other day we were there and we walked past a man who said I was beautiful. Mommy is so proud of me.
The other day we had real bad storms here. I went to my “safe place” that I go to when it rains. I was all snuggy there until mom came up and said I had to come downstairs because there was a tornado close by. I looked at her and said, no thanks, I am good here. She didn’t listen, she picked me up and carried me downstairs to the bathroom and placed me on a blanket. She turned on my Zen Dog music, turned on my Ocean Waves sound machine and turned on the mood lighting for me. I was all snuggly in there and mommy was happy because if the tornado came I was safe. Well, I am happy to say the tornado missed us but did do major damage all around us. We said prayers for the animals and people in harms way that they are ok.
I had a major breakthrough last week. I got on the couch and snuggled up to Daddy! WOW, I had never done that before. I was so close to him that when I licked my paw, I was licking his pants too. Mom and Dad were stunned and shocked! No body moved for a moment because they didn’t want to scare me away. I don’t know what the big deal was, I like Daddy it’s just hard to remember that some men are nice like my Daddy and not like my former owner.
I am two weeks away from being finished with my heartworms treatment. I can’t wait til I can run and play in the back yard with mommy and daddy. We have tennis balls and rope toys just waiting for me to be all better.
Mommy made me some super cool baseball cards to give to potential adopters. They have my picture on the front and my “stats” on the back. She is going to print them out and carry them with her when we are out and about in case somebody likes me and wants to take me home forever. Speaking of my forever home, do you know anyone who needs a great boy like me to love forever? I promise you won’t regret making me a part of your family. If you want more info about me please ask my mommy she can tell you all about me, Laz! You can also contact Fugee’s Rescue at
Thanks for reading about me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Working Class Dog

Hi friends, I am so excited! I am a working doggy now. I go to work with mommy at the SPCA and I give t-shirts to people.  She says I do a real good job. I am thankful to Miss Mondy for making it ok for me to work there. You see, I am not a SPCA doggy, I am a Fugee doggy but the SPCA works for the good of all doggies and that means me too! Miss Mondy loves me I think.
I have so many new, exciting experiences since I am a working dog now. I met many people, got many pettings and tons of treats! I met preschoolers and I liked them!! Most kids kind of scare me because they move really quick but these were calm and let me sniff them and I licked the little girls hand, she was nice. I also met some special needs friends and I liked them too! One man had a ball hat on and he scared me…until he took off his hat, it was all good after that. He is my homeboy now. I have seen a lot of dogs too. Penelope was a dog I met who said bad words to me and of course I had to say some back. But the other doggies didn’t really bother me at all. Mommy was so proud of me.
I was making eyes at all the ladies behind the desk too. They are nice and I like them lots! My Fugee Momma works behind the desk, I have her to thank for my life! She rescued me from solitary at the county shelter and gave me a new life. I love her forever, she’s a nice lady!
So today I am getting my LAST heartworm treatment! Mommy is excited for me and I am excited that she is excited for me. I have to be rest for one month and then, look out world I can run and play and romp and fly! I had a rough life before my foster mommy brought me home and every day now is happy! Every day now I get healthier! Every day now I get loves and plenty of food and a soft, comfy bed or couch or chair. Now, I just need a loving forever home! That is my goal in life to have a forever home. Everyone needs a goal. Please tell everyone about me. Somebody out there has to have a goal of having a handsome, sweet boy just like me, don’t ya think?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Round and Round

I found the instruction manual for my tail!! It says to make it go around in big, giant circles I should experience pure joy and happiness with a dash of excitement which I did the other day! Mommy was waking me up with kisses and rubs and my tail started going round and round in big circles! I’d never seen it do that before and it was pretty cool! She loves me a lot.
My Mamatu came to see me on Wednesday! Mamatu is what I call Maryanne who is my second mama. Get it? Mama two = Mamatu! She loves me lots and brought me a whole bag of Pupperoni’s!! They made me drool a lot; my juicy lips were like a little waterfall. I love Pupperoni’s! Mamatu was so kind and gentle with me, she knows I am skittish so she gave me very gentle rubs and a bunch of Pupperoni’s!! She took some pictures of me because she thinks I am pretty. Mamatu is such a kind person I warmed up to her pretty quickly and she was able to give me little kisses on the tips of my ears by the time she left. She is coming back to see me soon and I can’t wait.
I am still learning to remember I trust Daddy, he is a boy and boys scare me no matter who they are. He works all day so I don’t get to interact with him much. But, I try to remember who he is and I like him because he loves me very much – he always tells me this. Mommy wishes I could remember for longer times that Daddy is ok and I like him but it is hard to remember. The good things in my life are all new and the bad things in my life happened every day for years so it’s hard to forget them so quickly. It is a process. So we all just keep trying.
Mommy says I need more socialization so this is what we will be working on now. I need to get used to meeting all kinds of people and doggies too. If anyone has any good social things a doggy like me can do please let mommy know. Oh! I almost forgot my first adoption event is coming up next Sunday! Mommy says everyone will love me if I give them a chance to know me. I hope she is right; I would love to have my very own forever family who loves me and takes good care of me. So, if you know of someone who is loving, kind, patient and caring let them know about me. I am available for adoption thru Fugee’s Rescue

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Have Leash Will Walk

Have leash will walk. Here’s the story: mom keeps my leash on the door handle of the back door because I wear it when I go outside. Well, I wanted to go for a walk the other day so I gently took the leash in my mouth and dragged it to the front door because that is the door we use when we go for our walkie-woo’s. Mom is one smart cookie, she got the hint really quick and after picking her jaw up off the floor at my most clever act she got treats and poopy bags together and we went for a walk! It was fun; I peed on a lot of bushes, sign posts and mailboxes!
So, the very next day I wanted to go for another walk and…you guessed it! I gently grabbed the leash and dragged it to the front door and mommy took me for a walk! Wow, her training is really coming along.
Ooooo, Friends! Guess what I did last night! I cuddled with daddy. He sat on my bed in the living room and gave me a few treats, I sat for one of them and then I felt safe enough to lie down! I snuggled right up to him and he pet me gently and said nice things to me so I stayed there. I have never felt comfortable enough to do this with him, heck I’ve just started to cuddle with mommy. I try so hard to remember he is a good guy and that he loves me so much but I still have some bad memories of men from my past but he keeps trying and keeps trying. He is full of love for me and wants only good things for me. I am starting to learn this but it’s hard for me to trust men but I keep trying and keep trying too.
Here’s another story of cuddles: the other night it was just me and mom at home. She sat on my bed and I snuggled right up to her and we were so snuggly and happy. She realized the tv remote was across the room and couldn’t change the channel AND she had to watch two episodes of a show she strongly dislikes. She could have gotten up to get it but she chose me over the stupid show and we stayed snuggly for a really long time. She loves me so much.
I took a nap on the big bed with mommy the other day and I lay right across her legs to keep her safe. She said it was not the most comfortable she had ever been but she didn’t move because it was the first time I had been so close and she didn’t want to scare me. We slept for a long time and I kept her safe – she was thankful.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Am A Reggae Dog

So, Mom has decided I am a Reggae dog and Jimmy Cliff and I have a lot in common. She says when she listens to Jimmy she hears my story thru his words and in his songs. So, if you want to hear some great Reggae listen to Jimmy Cliff’s Ultimate Collection and here my story. Sometimes the parallels to my life in his songs almost makes mommy cry. Who knows I may try my hand at song writing so don’t be surprised if I come out with a song or two.
I have been enjoying the warmer weather outside but I am not allowed to get the zoomies because of my heartworm treatment. When mom sees me getting ready to zoom she has me practice my skills to take my mind off my really fast feet. It’s kind of a bummer because I just learned for the first time in my life what causes the zoomies, its happiness…and I like it!
I am learning a lot of things about me. I am learning about my personality because it has started showing itself. I am a bit of a silly boy! The other day I trotted into the living room with the roll of paper towels held very gently in my mouth and lay down on my bed. Mom and dad thought I was adorable! I also learned I like the taste of the water that’s in the big white bowl in the bathroom! Mom said, “Ewww, icky, icky, icky Laz!” and showed me my regular water bowl – geez, can’t a guy mix it up a little? I have also never licked something off of a finger, apparently it was quite funny watching me learn this tricky little action because mom got the giggles as I tried to lick oatmeal off her finger.
Here is my Daddy update. You know I have had a hard time remembering that men can be loving and good because of my past. Well, the other day I was watching out the front door and saw daddy’s truck pull in the driveway and, Oh Boy! I got so excited and happy he was home! I trotted into the kitchen and stood right by the door to the garage and wagged my tail just waiting for him to open the door and say nice things to me. And when he did, I was so happy but I think he and mom were just as happy as I was. Apparently, it was a really big thing that I got excited about daddy.
So, that’s all for now, I will write again soon.
Paws and Kissies,

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So, I have been a very busy boy the last few days...very busy WINNING! I started my heartworm treatment this week and while that may not seem like winning, I am getting better. The worms are loosing and I, I am winning!
I walked into the vet office like...a winner! My head was held high, my curiosity was going and I made friends with everyone there! Mommy was so proud of me - her little butterfly is coming out of his cocoon. Winning!
I learned two new tricks. I learned "Down" and "Shake". I can lay down now when I am asked and I have just learned to give you my paw when you say shake. I will be polishing these up to add to my repertoire. Winning!
Mommy and I went to the park today. There wasn't anyone else there so we had the place to ourselves. I have never been there before and I had fun sniffing and peeing on everything! I could only do a couple of laps because I used to live on a chain and never got exercise so I have to start out with short walks and build up from there. Winning!
Mommy went to dinner with friends the other night and got to tell them all about how awesome I am. One of her friends wants to come meet me - I cannot wait! Winning!
Mommy says I am a handsome, beautiful, sweet, soulful boy and sometimes when we are having family time in the living room watching tv Daddy says nice things to like: I love him, and He is so beautiful, and It is so nice having a dog in the house. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to have nice things said about me. I am winning and it makes me feel safe and happy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Dogcation!

Hi Friends, I’ve been away for a while on a retreat at Roast Beef’s house. I learned so many new things and had so many new experiences. She has two doggies of her own and I could see them thru the gate from my section of the house. I also met some dogs on walks and got nose to nose with them and I liked them and I met another man besides my foster dad and did ok after he gave me a treat. There was rain one day and it scared me a lot – funny how after everything I have been thru I find the rain so scary.
Miss Debra (as mom insists on calling her) really took a liking to me, you might say she is smitten with me and the feeling is quite mutual, I am so happy she wanted to keep me while my parents were on vacation. When she brought me back to my foster home my dad opened the door and I was happy to see him! My tail wagged at him, then I came inside and saw my mommy – she almost cried she was so happy to see me. I knew she wanted to smother me in kisses but restrained herself so I didn’t get startled. But I had grown so much in my week with Roast Beef, I WANTED to be hugged and kissed so I showed my mommy it was ok to love on me and that I liked it.
We had a most joyous reunion and Roast Beef gave me a very special gift to help me with my upcoming heartworm treatment. Did you know I have worms in my heart that are not supposed to be there? It is weird to have worms in my heart. I don’t really know too much about them. Mom says it’s a good thing I have such a big, courageous heart because no stupid worms are gonna hold me back. I think my mommy is scared for me, she doesn’t say it to me she just says she wishes I didn’t have to go thru the treatment that I have been thru enough hard times. I am thankful to Fugee’s Rescue for collecting donations so I can get my treatment, they have been working hard to get enough money for me, I think that is really nice of them to care about me so much. I have so many people who love me and want to help me. Mom says it takes a village to raise a Lazarus (pun kind of intended).
If you want to check out the nice folks at Fugee’s Rescue who are have made my survival possible go to
See you soon,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

So, What's New With Me?

Hi Friends, so much new with me since we last chatted. My new profile pic for one, it is a happier face for me so I want to use it now for when you look at my blog.
Mom took me to PetSmart and I rode in the seats of the car, I rode in the back seat then crawled to the front seat. I sat tall and pretty watching the world go by. Mom said I was a very good boy in the car. PetSmart was a brand new place for me, so many smells and things to see. I got so excited I lifted my leg on some dog beds to tell mom I wanted one of them. We saw two other dogs that mom said were like me, she says I am a Pit Bowl - whatever that means. They were girl dogs and barked at me a lot! I stood by mommy and played "statue" like a good boy but one girl in a pink harness and leash kept barking at me and calling me bad names, this hurt my feelings so I finally mustered up the courage to give her a very quiet, muffled 'woof' - that'll teach her.
Anyway, I did not get the bed, I got SHAMPOO - whatever that is. Later, Miss Maryanne came over and she oohed and awwed over me and I showed her how brave I have gotten. She was so proud of me and told me many times she loved me. It's nice to be loved. Then she helped mommy give me a bath - wow, that was super scary! The water was scary, the tub was scary..the shampoo smelled nice. Mommy played Zen Doggy music for me and Maryanne gave me treats to "enhance my spa experience". I was a good boy for my bath, it was nice having two people who love me help me with my scaries. Miss Maryanne took photos of me and my mom put some on her social page.
I also saw my reflection in the mirror which while initially scary I couldn't resist the handsomeness of the dog who kept staring back at me - he's a real looker!
Roast Beef came back to see me and took me for a quick ride in her car - it was fun!
Yesterday I got a little ahead of myself because I was feeling so much love for my mommy that I forgot to be scared and kissed her two times on the lips! She was so happy but I was a embarrassed because I have never done that before and I couldn't look at her for several minutes afterward. (Dad says that is a typical guy thing to do)
I also learned it is ok to get on the couch and lay next to mommy. This makes her very happy for some reason. But, I was sleeping on the couch one time and she gently put her hand on my back to pet me, I got startled, forgot where I was and scurried of the couch so fast and cowered on the floor. This broke moms heart, she said I had a flashback from where I used to live when people were mean to me. She wants me to forget all about those days and only have happy days, I want that too.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Me Is A Good Boy!

Hi Friends, I have been watching tv (another new thing for me) and many ads say New & Improved. Well, mommy says that's what I am. I have made so much progress in less than two weeks I am practically a brand new boy! Here are some of my achievements: I get playful now, I am fully housetrained, I am not scared of the dishwasher or vaccuum cleaner, I like my foster daddy now, I am learning to play with toys, I am non reactive whed dogs behind fences bark at me on my walks (mommy is more reactive than I am).
Yesterday I met a nice lady who will be keeping me for a few days to give me new experiences. I call her Roast Beef, but mom calls her Miss Debra. She had a bag of tasty, juicy roast beef so I call her Roast Beef.
A week ago I would have cowered and tucked my tail when meeting someone new, yesterday I went right up to Roast Beef with my head held high and tail not only untucked but wagging! I was so confident and I liked Roast Beef instantly, before long I was giving her googly-eyes and she was just as smitten with me. I can't wait for Roast Beef to take me for a visit to her house.
Also, the other day mom and dad went to dinner and someone didn't lock my kennel so when they left I gently snuck out and roamed around the house...shhh, don't tell. But I was a very good boy! I only did three things: I tore up a paper towel left on a low table - fun, I pulled mom's jacket to the floor (she usually has treats in her pocket but no such luck this time) and I drug my leash into the other room. See! Me Is A Good Boy!
Anyway, I greeted them at the door when they came in and you shoulda seen the shock on their faces. My tail was wagging and I didn't bark or get scared. I was so proud of what I did they said they've never seen me so happy I actually had a pitty smile going on! They were very happy too that I was such a good boy but promised to double check the latches from now on.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fun Things

Hi Friends, yesterday my daddy played ball with me in the yard and I had so much fun. I was running back and forth really fast.
Yesterday I got my very own Sporn harness, I think it makes me look really sporty on my walks. I also got a fancy light up collar so I can be seen in the yard at night. The light is red and looks so cool with my black fur. My wardrobe has really grown since I have been here.
Today, I nosed open the baby gate on the stairs and snuck upstairs when mommy wasn't looking - only problem was I had to come back down the stairs after she found me roaming around up there. Oops!
I didn't bark at daddy tonight when he came home - that must mean I am getting used to him. This makes mommy very happy. She has a nickname for me. She calls me her little black jelly bean.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Surfing Lessons for the Brave

Hey, FB Friends, Mommy let me write this one. Today I have been in a real home for one week and things are still scary but I am slowly learning to trust...slowly. I have learned so many things. I learned I sometimes get the zoomies which are real fun. I butt-scoot around the house as fast as I can for like two times then I am all tired out - mom got it on video today and said I am now a movie star!! The other day in a big act of bravery I stood on my back legs and put my front legs on the kitchen counter - it was scary but I was brave and I sniffed the recycle box. Mom saw my act of bravery, she was shocked and happy I had the courage to try this but then she gave me a little talk about surfing and how it's really cool but is not appropriate doggy behavior. Well, I think I am super cool because I can surf!! Not too many dogs surf from what I hear. I got on the internet and ordered me some board shorts. Mom will have to help me put them on when they get here.My dad has been home with a cold the last couple days and we have tried to "bond" as mom says. I am still scared of guys but I try really hard to remember that he's a good guy. We've had our good moments and I am really trying but it's gonna take a while for the good memories to push out the bad memories.
Yesterday some kids behind us were swinging on their swingset, I pressed my nose thru the fence and watched so quietly for the longest time, then I quietly whimpered because I wanted to play with them.
Mom went to an event last night and I stayed home, when she got back I didn't bark at her. I got excited, had a waggy tail and got a little burst of the zoomies. I like mommy and mommy said she missed me while she was gone. It's nice to be missed.
Mom let me go upstairs for the first time ever because I was barking at the stairs a lot. Dad was up there and I kept hearing noises. I saw a room and daddy was in there. He talked sweet to me and I didn't bark at him. Then, Oh Boy, I had to go down the stairs! I don't know if I have ever done this before. The stairs were open on one side and I could see a long way down. I was so scared! I froze at the top, the only thing that got me to come down the stairs was chicken! A piece on every other stair and before I knew it I was down stairs. That was so scary!
So I have learned I love surfing because I am brave but hate the stairs, I am not that brave...yet. One cool trick at a time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One of Those Days

So every day will not be filled with victories and roses. Today was one of those days. Lazarus is continuing to be afraid of Shannon and this greatly stresses me out. I know they only see each other a few hours a day but Shannon loves Lazarus and Lazarus is fearful of Shannon. Shannon is kind of an imposing figure and moves much quicker than I do and has a louder deeper voice than I. Lazarus seemed a little unsure of me today too, spending much of the day watching me over the arm of the chair. I am trying to find the balance between encouraging him while not coddling him, training him to do commands without pushing him to hard. Mastering the “Sit” command proves elusive.  He did find his voice today.  We’d been told he’d been “trained” not to bark (trained is to be translated as having the bark beat out of him – insert tear drops here) but he barked today which is sort of a victory that he feels safe enough to bark. For the record he has a smokers bark, sort of hoarse and squeaky at the same time. He barked at a lady walking down the street, barked at the mailman across the street, barked at Shannon – which stressed me out again. Shannon is my rock, he talks me down from the ledges, believes in me and my mission to help pit bulls and repair their tarnished reputation. Yet, the one who needs Shannon the most right now is frightened of him. How long can I expect my rock to stay strong? We need a breakthrough. I know raising Lazarus will involve hard work, setbacks as well as victories and it will be stressful too. I just need help maintaining focus, perspective and momentum. Some days are much harder than others; this is one of those days.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine Gift

This blog is from Chris, the proud foster mom of Lazarus. Today is Valentine's day and I must express how our hearts are over flowing, bursting at the seams with the love Lazarus has brought into our lives. He was terrified of affection when he came into our lives just 5 short days ago. He trusted no one, was confused and scared. Our hearts broke for him as we realized the effects of his tragic past and watching him try to make sense of this confusing, new environment. We wanted to show him he was safe and it was ok for him trust but he had to figure out these things on his own. The confusion and fear in his beautiful eyes was so sad but he always had a spark of curiousness that kept him from shutting down completely. We encouraged the curiousness at first by greatly rewarding him with soft, kind words and treats, then built on it with joyful praise, ear rubs, body rubs which he now welcomes.
He has made great strides! Just this morning he came out of his crate with a delightful case of the zoomies!! Round and round the house he went butt scooting as fast as he could then he grabbed a toy and flipped onto his back and wiggled with glee! I was overjoyed. This afternoon he flipped on his back right in front of me (a very vulnerable position for a dog) and let me give him a proper belly rub, I even found his tickly spot.
These steps he's taken have shown us what faith and trust can allow you to do in a safe and loving environment. To see him blossom in front of our eyes is better than any valentine rose ever given. For him to allow me to gently rub his soft, warm fur and hold his sweet, smooshy face in my hands is better than any box of chocolates ever received.
My heart is overflowing with compassion and love for Lazarus on this very special Valentine's day. As my husband and I share a pizza tonight we will gaze in awe-filled, loving amazement at the best Valentine's gift we have ever received, his name is Lazarus and he is a perfect example of the power of love. I cannot wait to tell potential adopters all about this special boy, and watch as he changes their lives too.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Small Steps I Take

Hi Friends, I had a great day today! I was woken early today by my daddy singing: "Good morning, Lazarus" to me, mommy told him I liked it when she did it yesterday, but today it was still dark, I was still sleeping and all of a sudden I hear daddy singing - ugh. All was forgiven when he fed me breakfast and baby talked me. He and I had a little "guy time" outside and I met the neighbor lady over the fence. I didn't run away, I was brave and cautiously checked her out as I hid behind a tree (I don't think they saw me peeking). Then her little boy came out and put his hand thru the fence - YIKES! I still didn't run though, I just backed away. Daddy said I was very brave. He threw the tennis ball for me and I chased it...once.
I got really excited in the house and did a running lap in the house I even did the Tom Cruise slide on the hardwoods. Mom said I was adorable. That's the first burst of excitement I have had. They also left me alone today for the first time and I did GREAT! Mom was super worried but I just slept.
I also gave my first kiss today! I gave it to my dad on his hand as I walked by. He was deeply touched, mom was too excited about my progress to be jealous but I am waiting for just the right time to give her a kiss - she tells me she's a big smoocher and because it scares me to get kisses on the head, it takes all her control not to smother me in kisses but she's doing real good not scaring me. I think I will come around soon.
I took a big, long nap in the sunshine of my crate - it's my safe place and it's super cozy.
On a sad note, I did learn that I have something called heartworms. Having worms in my heart is just not right! After everything I have been through, why do I have to deal with this?? Can anyone tell me? Mom is very upset and she and dad said they will do whatever it takes to make me better. She tried to be brave but I know she is scared for me - she loves me a lot.
To end on a good note - my tail is wagging a lot today and that means I am happy!
Hugs and Kissies to you,

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Brand New World

Hello, my name is Lazarus and yesterday I began a brand new journey, I am living in a brand new world.
I previously lived my life on a chain with a metal barrel as my only shelter often though my chain was so twisted that I could reach my metal barrel. My life was so lonely, void of parental affection or attention. I had very nice neighbor ladies who took as good care of me as they could. They tried for years to get me removed from my terrible, lonely life. Only after I was confiscated by the police and animal control did I get out of there. But, my hopes were dashed when I ended up in a noisy, scary place they called the county shelter. There were nice volunteers there who were nice to me but this one time another dog got mad at me and we got into a little tussle that landed me in an even worse place. They called it quarantine, but I wasn't contagious so I don't know why I was put here. It was very, very scary and sooo loud. The nice volunteer ladies couldn't spend time with me any more. I was here for months, I was loosing hope, I was so scared and frightened. I don't know what I did wrong to deserve any of this stuff. I am just a dog, just a dog who wanted to be loved.
My foster mom says there were a lot of folks pulling for me, trying desperately to get me out of there so I thank them from the tip of my tail to the tip of nose and with all my heart. My foster mom was even approached a couple times asking her to foster me - and she said no (sniffle, sniffle, tear drop, tear drop). She had just lost her boy dog and was heartbroken. If only she knew that I would help mend it for her I bet she would have brought me home sooner.
But anyway, my story is long and tragic so let's move to the good part! Two days ago this lady and a guy came to meet me. I was terrified, my ears were pinned back, my tail was tucked, my eyes were wide. I hadn't seen many folks since I'd been in lockup...I mean solitary...I mean quarantine so I didn't know what these people wanted from me. They gave me chicken, which was yummy and then I heard them say something about fostering me - whatever that meant. A nice lady I did know was there named Maryanne and she said something about getting me tutored the next day. Things were looking up for me, I like to learn and getting tutored may just get me out of quarantine if I could prove how smart I am. Soon the strangers left and I was back in my cell, I was scared, sad, alone...
Well, I DID NOT get tutored! They did something else to me that was not fun but I was really mellow afterward and feeling no pain. The stranger lady came to see me again. She said I was coming home to live with her as a foster doggy. She stuffed me into a tiny crate in the back of her car and off we went. We pulled into a garage and the strange man was there to greet me. He seemed really happy to see me, said hi and asked how I was doing.The rest of the night was a blur, I was woozy from surgery and went into my crate and slept until this morning.

Chris here, Lazarus' foster mommy. He is making huge strides in just this one day. His story is so sad but we plan on making all his tomorrow's loving and safe and fun.  And, yes I did say no to fostering him at least twice. Do I feel bad about this - Yes! I was not in a place where I could give any dog what they needed as I was still very much grieving the loss of my boy, Patch. But now that we are finally together, we will make our days together count. Future blogs won't be so long, I promise.